Sunday, September 15, 2013

STEM Artifact Research

I can't wait to learn from you and your partner about an invention/innovation and how it came to be. First, you'll find out about the artifact yourselves. Here is a list of websites that might be of use to you:

As you research the relevant details of your chosen artifact, be sure to use the Questions to Guide You handout to, well, guide you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Socratic Seminar Evaluation and Reflection

Well, the "Socratic Seminar on Mindset and Failure" came and went. Hopefully you were able to share your knowledge and point-of-view on this subject with your classmates. I say this because your opinion/knowledge matters. A lot.
Below is a link to your partner evaluation and your own reflection on the discussion we just had (and the research that led to it). Please include anything you might have wanted to say, but did not get the chance to. Show me what you know about Mindset and Failure. Thanks.

Partner Eval and Reflection Form

I'd also like you to fill out this "Mindset" Form. We'll see if anything has changed since before your research.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


3-2-1 Activity: Please share your thoughts in a comment below. As it will always be, if you do not want your comment to be published just say so. Type "Please don't publish" or "PDP" at the end of your comment. Otherwise, I'll assume that it's okay to post what you write. I like showing off what my learners can do!
  • State 3 things you've learned about Mr. Hoegh or your classmates. 
  • Name 2 traits about this class. If you need to, use the "About This Class" or "Our Plan" tabs from this website, or the brief descriptions on our Moodle.
  • Name 1 thing that makes you excited/nervous about the upcoming school year. 
It was a pleasure to meet you all yesterday, by the way. It was a good first day.